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Host: Roshni

Hello friends, I’m Roshni, and today I’m going to share a heartwarming love story that begins during school days. The main characters of this story are Ruhi and Akash. So, let’s start this beautiful journey together.

Table of Contents

Ruhi and Akash first met when they were in the 10th grade. They both attended the same school, but they had never really spoken to each other before. Akash was a quiet and reserved boy, while Ruhi was always cheerful and bubbly. She was considered the smartest student in the class, while Akash wasn’t as focused on studies.

Ruhi and Akash’s School Love Story
Ruhi and Akash’s School Love Story

The School Project: A Beginning of Love

They say that sometimes fate leads you down a path you never expected. That’s exactly what happened when the school announced a science project, and Ruhi and Akash were put in the same team. For Ruhi, the project was incredibly important, but for Akash, it was just another task.

Ruhi said to Akash, “Look, Akash, this project is really big, and we need to win it. You’ll have to help me.”

Akash saw the determination in Ruhi’s eyes, and though he wasn’t too interested, he agreed to help. Slowly, their meetings for the project increased. Ruhi’s dedication and Akash’s carefree attitude started bringing them closer.

The First Realization: A Heartbeat

One day, while they were working in the library, Ruhi noticed Akash secretly looking at her from behind a book. His eyes seemed to be saying something, but she couldn’t quite understand what it was. Akash quickly smiled and looked away, but in that moment, both of them felt something new.

For the first time, Ruhi realized that Akash was more than just a classmate to her. Akash, too, started spending more time with Ruhi. Yet neither of them was ready to give this new feeling a name.

The College Journey: From Friendship to Love

After school, they both joined different colleges. But they stayed in touch. They would talk on the phone every day, exchange messages, and share the little things happening in their lives.

One day, Akash messaged Ruhi, “Have you ever wondered when our friendship became so special?”

Ruhi thought for a moment and replied, “Maybe it was when we worked on the project together in school.”

Akash smiled and wrote back, “I think it’s more than just friendship now.”

Ruhi’s heart started beating faster. She realized that this was the moment she had been waiting for all along.

The First Confession: Speaking from the Heart

One evening, as Ruhi and Akash sat together in a park, Akash looked at her seriously and said, “Ruhi, there’s something I want to tell you.”

Ruhi’s heartbeat quickened as she nervously asked, “What is it?”

Akash took a deep breath and said, “I love you, Ruhi. Maybe I have loved you since the day we first met. I didn’t understand it at first, but now I know I can’t imagine my life without you.”

Tears welled up in Ruhi’s eyes. Just as she was about to respond, Akash gently took her hand. She softly said, “Akash, I love you too. You’re not just my best friend, you’re the most important part of my life now.”

The Test of Time: Distance and Love

As time went by, their love deepened. But like all love stories, time decided to test them. Once Akash finished college, he had to move to another city for work. The physical distance grew, but their love became even stronger.

Daily phone calls, video chats, and countless messages only brought them closer. Akash once said, “Distance doesn’t weaken us; it makes us realize how strong our love really is.”

Ruhi always reassured him, “I’m always with you, no matter how far apart we are.”

Dreams of a Future: The Promise of Togetherness

One day, out of the blue, Akash called Ruhi and said, “Ruhi, I can’t be apart any longer. I think it’s time we give our relationship a new name.”

Ruhi was surprised and asked, “What are you trying to say?”

With a smile, Akash asked, “Will you marry me?”

Tears of joy filled Ruhi’s eyes. Without hesitation, she replied, “Yes, Akash! This is the dream I’ve been waiting for all my life.”

So, friends, this is how Ruhi and Akash’s beautiful love story began, and now they are moving toward a new beginning in their lives. This story reminds us that true love always endures, no matter how many challenges come its way.

I hope you enjoyed this story. I’m Roshni, and I’ll see you again with another beautiful story. Until then, goodbye!

Read Other Story: Subhajit and Jamini’s Romantic College Love Story.