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Every person’s college life is very special, and some individuals find their first love during this time. All college love stories are very interesting. Today, in this post, we explore the romantic college love story of Shubman and Diya, so come along with us.

Hey there, friends! It’s Shubman, and today I want to share the most special chapter of my life – my college love story. It all started during my college days in a remote village in India. I want to take you through the ups and downs, the joys and heartbreaks, and how true love conquered all the hurdles that came our way.

Shubman and Dia's a Romantic college love story
Shubman and Dia’s a Romantic college love story

How My College Love Story Began?

Back in college, I loved the whole experience right from day one. It was incredible to meet so many new people and make new friends. And then one day, destiny played its card, and I met a girl who became the center of my universe. Little did I know that this girl would later become my girlfriend, making my college days even more memorable.

I was into Physics, and she was studying English, but we both shared an environment class. That’s where our friendship began. As months passed, we spent more and more time together. We hung out at the bus stand and railway station, shared delicious tiffin in the college canteen, and even went to see movies together. Gradually, our friendship blossomed into something beautiful – love. On the special day of 14th February, I mustered the courage to confess my feelings, and to my delight, she said yes! Our love story had officially begun.

A Heartbreaking Decision

But you know what? After college life, life threw some challenges at us. While my friends were getting great jobs and securing their careers, I struggled to find employment. It was tough, and it put a strain on our relationship. Sadly, my girlfriend decided to end things and agreed to an arranged marriage with someone else.

I was heartbroken, and it felt like my whole world was falling apart. I couldn’t understand why life was so harsh. But you know what they say, tough times don’t last forever. I was determined to turn things around. I started applying for government jobs, and after some hard work and perseverance, I got a job offer just a few months before her planned marriage.

A Second Chance at Forever: Rekindling the Flames of Love

With the job letter in hand, I decided to show her and her family that I had succeeded despite all the odds. I staged a little protest in front of her house, proudly displaying my job letter. To my surprise, her family had a change of heart. They called off the arranged marriage, realizing the power of true love and determination. Our college love story was given another chance, and this time, nothing could come between us.

Looking back, I see that every twist and turn had a purpose. The heartbreak taught me the real value of love and relationships. It’s not just about good times, but about staying strong together during tough times too.

My struggle with unemployment taught me the importance of hard work and never giving up. When I finally achieved my dream job, it tasted even sweeter.

Life is full of surprises and challenges, but through it all, I’ve learned to appreciate every moment and value true love. So, my dear friends, never lose hope, believe in love, and remember that every obstacle is an opportunity to grow and discover yourself.


My college love story serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring strength of love and the significance of unwavering determination. It began as a chance encounter during our college days, blossoming into a beautiful romance. However, life tested us with hardships, and I faced struggles with unemployment. My girlfriend’s heartbreaking choice to enter an arranged marriage with me shook me to the core. Nevertheless, love ignited a fire within me, propelling me toward a career.

A twist of fate granted us a second chance at love, showcasing the lasting power of true love and the value of perseverance. Reflecting on life, I’ve learned that every obstacle is an opportunity for growth, revealing the true worth of love, relationships, hard work, and unwavering hope. So, dear friends, never lose faith, cherish every moment, and believe in the transformative power of love and determination. I have faith that you too will discover the right love.

Thank you for joining me on this journey through my college love story. I hope it inspires you to cherish love, stay strong in tough times, and always believe in the magic of destiny.