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Are you searching for a sad love story to read? Then you have come to the right website. In this blog, we share a profoundly sad love story of Priyabrata and Aditi, so join us now.

Hey there, I’m Priyabrata, and I’ve got a sad love story to share with you that’s straight from the heart. It’s a mix of happiness, sadness, and a lot of learning. So, grab a seat and let me take you through my rollercoaster of emotions.

A Sad Love Story of Priyabrata and Aditi's

A Simple Start

I work in an IT office, and that’s where it all began. I had already been in one office before this, but the real adventure started when I joined a new company. It was similar to entering a foreign land. I had made some amazing friends at my previous workplace, and happily, after moving to the new location, I made many more.

About two months into my new job, something special happened. Guess what happened when Aditi, a stunning girl, entered our office? She was in my team! Now, don’t get too excited – we didn’t become instant buddies. In fact, we hardly spoke for around 15 days. But one day, out of the blue, she asked me a work-related question. And you won’t believe it – turns out, we’re from the same area!

Blossoming Friendship

Slowly but surely, Aditi and I started talking more. We discovered that we both took the same train home, got off at the same station, and even had lunch together during our breaks. Yep, you guessed it – we were becoming good pals. We laughed together and talked about everything under the sun; it felt just like any other typical, enjoyable workday.

Then, a special day arrived – my birthday! And let me tell you, Aditi went all out to make it memorable. I felt blessed to have her as a friend, and it seemed like our bond was only getting stronger.

The Crush and the Confession

Now, here’s where things take a turn into the realm of romance. From the moment Aditi stepped into the office, I couldn’t help but have a crush on her. It was like a tiny spark that grew brighter each day. I decided I wanted to tell her how I felt, and I couldn’t wait any longer. The night before, I couldn’t even sleep – I was that excited and nervous.

So, I found the perfect moment during our break time. I asked her to join me on the top floor of our office – just the two of us. Heart pounding, I let her know I had a surprise. She was curious, of course, and I mustered up the courage to say it: “I like you, Aditi.” I poured my heart out, confessing that my feelings for her had been growing since day one. And then, guess what? I got down on one knee and proposed!

A Heartbreaking Twist in Our Sad Love Story

Hold on, this is where things get tough. Aditi’s reaction wasn’t what I had hoped for. She was upset, and she left in a hurry. I stood there, feeling like I messed up big time. But she came back after a while, and to my shock, she slapped me. Ouch, that hurt – both my heart and my cheek.

She made it clear she didn’t want anything to do with me. Our office life turned awkward, and our friendship took a hit. It was a rough patch, and love seemed to slip through my fingers.

In the aftermath of that heartbreaking moment, my days at the office turned sombre. The pain of unrequited love lingered, and the once-thriving friendship came to a halt. As time passed, I discovered that Aditi was romantically involved with our office manager. Through common friends, I learned that societal status played a role in the dynamics that governed her choices.

The Power of True Love

Reflecting on this experience, I realized that appearances can often be deceiving. True love transcends physical attributes and societal standings. It’s about understanding a person’s mind, connecting on a deeper level, and valuing their essence. My first love taught me that true love requires time, patience, and a genuine bond that surpasses the superficial.


My journey through office life taught me invaluable lessons about love, friendship, and the intricacies of human connections. While my first love story had a bittersweet ending, it serves as a reminder that genuine love is built on understanding, trust, and shared experiences. As I move forward, I carry these insights with me, hopeful that one day, I’ll find a life partner whose heart resonates with mine.

So, dear friends, remember this tale of my first office crush and heed my advice: in matters of the heart, look beyond the surface and seek the beauty that lies within.

Read: Shubman and Diya’s A Romantic College Love Story.