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Do you want to perfect your dating experience with your partner, avoiding any dating mistakes? If so, read our most important dating advice and prepare yourself for the first dating with your crush.

I’m Devid Brown, your friendly dating coach. Today, I want to share some tips to make your first dating awesome and help you steer clear of common mistakes.

Nowadays, dating often starts with apps or websites. It’s super exciting, especially if it’s your first love. But guess what? People tend to goof up on their first dates. Why? Well, when you find your crush on social media or a dating app, it’s easy to make blunders. That’s where I come in! I’m Devid, your advice buddy, here to guide you through first dating with the wisdom of my own dating adventures.

Top 6 Dating Mistakes

So, buckle up! I’ll give the six most important dating mistakes you should avoid. Stick around, follow these simple steps, and let’s make sure your first dating is not just good but truly memorable. Let’s build a connection that lasts!”

The Definition of Dating

What is the definition of dating? Let’s explore the essence of dating; dating signifies a process, a mechanism through which individuals get to know each other. A dating is not merely an outing with your girlfriend; rather, it’s about understanding each other before committing to a relationship. It involves gaining insights into the other person’s character, decision-making capabilities, and how they handle various situations.

In any given circumstance, dating unveils how an individual responds, their preferences, and their outlook on various aspects of life. It goes beyond the stereotypical image of sitting at a dinner table, having a drink, and conforming to societal expectations. Drawing from my personal experiences, I’ve navigated both sides of the dating spectrum, engaging with girls senior to me and those significantly junior. This diversity allows me to offer valuable insights into the qualities you should seek in a potential partner.

Avoid 6 Common Dating Mistakes for a Perfect Dating
Avoid 6 Common Dating Mistakes for a Perfect Dating

The New Things Trap

The first mistake: What mistakes can happen, what should we do, and what should we avoid? Do you prepare yourself according to a dating app? The first thing we should never do is try new things abruptly. Avoid experimenting with something new just before dating. If you’ve bought new clothes and are excited to show them to the girl, thinking it will leave a good impression, you might be mistaken. Wearing new clothes without knowing if they are comfortable can lead to discomfort and awkwardness.

Choosing the Right Venue

Additionally, never take your dating to a new place. When planning a dating, choose a location you are familiar with and have visited multiple times. You should know every detail, from the entry and exit points to the location of restrooms. Avoid taking the girl to unfamiliar places, as it may lead to awkward situations. Ensure the chosen place is not too far from your home to avoid potential traffic issues. Also, consider that her family might need her suddenly, so choose a location that allows flexibility.

Perfect timing is crucial

The third mistake you should avoid is going on a dating with an empty stomach. Going on a dating is not like preparing for an anchor show where you comfortably sit without eating. It’s not a wedding with reserved seats, where you’re starving since morning, hoping to return after the event. No, brother, hunger takes precedence over everything. Whether it’s a girl or love, nothing takes priority over hunger. If you feel hungry, have a full meal before the dating. Otherwise, you might find yourself preoccupied with food, hindering your ability to engage in meaningful conversation with the girl. Remember, your goal is to get to know each other, and that happens through conversation. Also, be familiar with the menu so that you can confidently place your order without scrutinizing her choices. Avoid discussing family matters on the first dating; instead, explore and understand each other’s life stories through casual conversation.

Avoid discussing past relationships

The fourth mistake to avoid is sharing details about your past relationships. For instance, I once went on a date with a beautiful girl, and as things progressed, I made a mistake. In the name of romance, I held her hand, and she reciprocated lightly, creating an intimate moment. She then started sharing her past experiences, describing how she went on a dating with her ex and the romantic gestures they shared. While it’s tempting to reciprocate with your own stories, it’s crucial to resist the urge. Keeping a level of mystery and not delving into explicit details about past relationships is advisable. You can mention that you’ve had relationships, and give a brief overview of why they ended, but avoid sharing explicit details that may make the other person uncomfortable.

Balance your romantic scene

Lust often arises in the minds of those who have little experience and seek to explore everything for the first time. However, it’s important to clarify that your first date is not equivalent to a wedding night. Avoid actions that may make the girl uncomfortable, as this can affect future interactions. Brother, there’s a distinction between lust and romance. Be romantic, share a laugh, enjoy the moment, but refrain from planning specific actions. It’s crucial to be in the moment and responsive to the girl’s comfort level. Mistakes may happen, and awkward situations may arise, but don’t let fear hold you back. The best advice is to maintain composure and be genuine.

Present yourself as a simple person

Avoid portraying yourself as overly successful or wealthy, as it may have a negative impact on your future dating experiences. Refrain from choosing expensive dating venues, giving expensive gifts, and excessively spending money. Present yourself as a natural and genuine person rather than someone overly affluent. This approach helps build trust and ensures that the girl does not doubt your sincerity.


Your first dating is an opportunity to build a strong connection with your crush. By following these common dating mistakes, you’ll create an environment that fosters genuine connection and sets the stage for potential future dating. Share your first dating experiences in the comments or through our contact form—we’d love to hear from you!

Read: After Breakup Guide.